
Showing posts from May 18, 2007

God is watching us

Has this ever happened to you? I was driving down the highway on a pleasant evening after a full day. I was paying attention to traffic and driving defensively. The next thing I knew, I heard the crunch of tires on gravel. They were mine! I snapped to attention. My mind had wandered and I had strayed to the edge of the road. Either I was daydreaming or I was enjoying the beauty of the evening and forgot what I was doing. What would happen if God's mind wandered? Consider Colossians 1:17, which says that in Christ "all things consist." This means that in his providence, the Son of God holds all things together and keeps our world in motion. So if His mind wandered, trees would crash to the ground. Water would pour out of the oceans. The planets would go spinning off through space. Prayers would be unheard and unanswered. And those He protects would be left vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. But that could never happen. Why? Because the God who never sleeps is watching ...