BloggerTricks' First Contest
In the course of my blog hopping, i came across the post of announcing their first contest. Up to $100 cash will be given away and i thought of sharing this. So if you're interested to join just follow the mechanics of the contest. By the way the sponsors of this contest are - Home Improvement Contractors and - Banner Ad Blog & Directory Contest Mechanics: In order to win, you must earn the highest points among the participants. Here's how to earn points. 1. Just leave a comment there (max 1 comment per person) Points you get : 2 2. Digg this Post: You can digg this post here . Points : 3 3. Blog about this Contest : Just spread the word by writing a small review about this contest (min 100 words) in your blog including a link to this contest page and a link each to both of the contest sponsors. Points : 15 x your blog’s Pagerank Ex: If your Blog’s Pagerank is 3 , you get 45 pts . (Note: 10 pts if the P...