What are You doing, God?
Just wanna share with you guys... A man who had been shipwrecked was living alone on a desert island. He had finally built himself a little refuge out of palm branches that would shelter him from the sun and the rain. That night his hut caught fire and burned to the ground. "What are You doing, God?" he cried. "I have so little left in life, and yet You let my house burn down. How could You let this happen to me? "A few hours later a ship came and picked him up. "We saw your fire signal," the crew said. "We didn't realize these were inhabited islands. We'll take you home. "The man closed his eyes in embarrassment. "Uh, thank You, God," he said finally. If you are going through some tough times.. and it is so hard to understand what God is up to.. hang on... God knows what He is doing... He cares for you.. and He is in control.. His ways are higher than our ways. Trust Him.