
In our church, there's a widower and a widow both aged, shut-in, quite alone, and on the prayer list at our church. And they both have a true friend. The widower, who loves classical music, looks forward to alternate Tuesdays because a young man comes with a couple of tapes and spends the evening visiting, and they enjoy the music together.

The widow, who is diabetic and has very limited income, receives visits regularly from a woman who is very kind to her. Recently she bought her a blood-testing device that greatly helps her control her diabetes. It's something the diabetic woman could not afford to buy for herself.

Both the widower and the widow are fortunate to have at least one person who really cares about them. There are many people who are friendless, and no one ever visits them. There's a tragic shortage of those who will take time to be a friend...

Today, let's pray that God will help us to be a friend to someone in need...


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