Spiritual Jotting
I have met many young mothers who are discouraged by their inadequate devotional life. The term "quiet time" only reminds them how little "quiet" or "time" they have for Bible reading, prayer, and meditation.
I was inspired by a speaker (also a mother) who shared how she overcame this dilemma during her child-rearing years. Throughout her house she placed pencils and notepads on high surfaces, well above the reach of her toddlers. During the day, wherever she was, she would jot down insights, prayer needs, or Bible verses as they came to mind. Each evening she would gather up her jottings--the ingredients of a spiritual feast she had been preparing all day. How eagerly she welcomed the opportunity to nourish her hungry spirit with her Bible and her jottings! As I began putting her method to the test, my daily devotions became what they needed to be--a workable vehicle for strengthening my devotion to Christ.
Whether you're an overworked mother, or simply overworked, I recommend "spiritual jotting," both now and as a lifelong habit, it will put more devotion to your devotions.
Whether you're an overworked mother, or simply overworked, I recommend "spiritual jotting," both now and as a lifelong habit, it will put more devotion to your devotions.